Affordable Housing
CRS aims to design and pilot affordable housing models based on exchange systems to ensure and maintain high levels of participation and interaction between project participants and the host community.
The design of the housing models is carried out through a series of assessments to collect the necessary information and ensure the proposed solutions respond to both housing and community needs. The existence of vacant apartments and buildings will respond to the lack of refugee housing by offering to property owners incentives -both financial and social- to participate in the program.
The innovation lies on the fact that the housing models will respond to the existing pathogenesis of the city and will be an integral part of the city’s urban development through the networking of refugees with the civil society. Housing in formerly abandoned properties is offered to refugees and in return, participants will be expected to network and engage in community service and participate in a skills development program. Moreover, the Housing Facilitation Unit (HFU) will enhance the engagement of refugees to develop tailored exchange plans which meet their individual interests and needs.
To ensure the quality and sustainability of the housing models, CRS has created a Technical Steering Group. Membership within the group include experts on housing, sociology and urban studies to ensure a holistic intervention. In collaboration with the HFU, the group will support the Municipality of Athens to open-up the dialogue to a wider audience on Housing Opportunities in Athens.